Biking Around Boston: Advice From a Personal Injury Lawyer

Boston Personal Injury Lawyer for Bicycle Accidents

Summer brings an increase in bicycle traffic and bicycle injuries in Boston. Be aware of other riders and drivers and stay safe on the road to avoid personal injury. If you or someone you know is injured in a bicycle or car accident, contact Harrington Lawyers for a free consultation. We are experienced personal injury lawyers here to help you get back on your feet faster.

It’s easy to see why bicycling is so popular around Boston in the summer. It is an easy way to commute, exercise, or site-see in the city. When you are riding around this summer be sure to wear a helmet to prevent personal injury. A helmet can help prevent brain damage. Injuries to you head can be extremely traumatic and very costly to treat.

In most cases, the bicyclist is most at risk to other drivers who fail to share the road in a safe way. Even those who are aware of their surroundings and ride responsibly can be injured in a sudden accident because a driver failed to stop in time or give enough room. If you are hit or injured by a vehicle while you are on a bike, and the driver is to blame, they become liable for compensating the victim or the victim’s family.

Many cities across the US have been introducing bike share programs, similar to car share programs like ZipCar. In Boston one of the most visible bike share programs is Hubway. Tourists and commuters use bike share programs to get around. It’s simple, and there are banks of bicycles all over the city. These bike shares offer an easy ride, but they do not offer the rider a helmet. If you plan on using a bike share program, remember to bring a helmet from home! Riding without a helmet will increase your risk of injury and brain damage.

Reduce your risk by protecting yourself. Wear a helmet, wear bright colors and use reflectors and lights on your bicycle to lower your risk of personal injury and accident. If you or someone you know what involved in a bicycle accident, contact Harrington & Harrington Lawyers for a consultation about your water slide

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