New Years is an exciting time of the year-a time to get together with families and friends and celebrate another year together. It’s meant to be a happy time, and it usually is! Unfortunately, there are instances in which people can have a negative New Years.
With more drivers on the road during this holiday, the chances of getting into a car accident can increase. Additionally, with New Years being a time to celebrate, there is usually an increase in drunk drivers during this time. The last thing you want to do is to end your year in a car accident. Below, you’ll find some helpful tips to enjoy your New Years and avoid any personal injuries:
- With an increase in drunk drivers, sober drivers need to be on the lookout for any reckless driving from others. Keep your distance from any irresponsible drivers and if you suspect they are drunk, contact the local police.
- Whether it’s a long distance drive or just across town, give yourself plenty of time to reach your next location. Drivers, who don’t allow themselves extra time, usually end up speeding to avoid tardiness. Think twice about driving during heavier traffic times as well.
- If you have a bit of a drive this New Years, bring along a travel kit for your drive. Snacks and beverages can make the long drive much more comfortable! Bathroom breaks are a good time to stretch your legs before you have to get back on the road.
If you find that you have been in a car accident and are seeking legal advice, contact Harrington & Harrington at 617-227-1795.
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